Agilent Products

Full Size

Like its equal the Single Bank, The Full Bank 3070 test fixture offers the same qualities.  It is fabricated to accommodate your largest board testing needs.  Similar to the Single Bank, the gate is designed to gradually close, avoiding any slamming when closing, or any abrupt, rapid movement when opening.  

Again, we are proud that all of our parts are fabricated and manufactured in the USA.  
This kit comes with lifetime warranty* on all parts.


Single Bank

Arcadia Test is proud to introduce the Single Bank 3070 test fixture.  It is made up of a robust base that will withstand continued actuations of 25Hg or higher.  This reliable fixture can take on the harshest of manufacturing conditions and still maintain the most accurate target registration.  The gate is the longest lasting in the industry and has absolutely no pinch points.  Operator safety was a key element in its design.  With its sleek finish and high performance, it is the industry’s’ most dutiful and cost effective test fixture.

We are proud that all of our parts are fabricated and manufactured in the USA.
This kit comes with lifetime warranty* on all parts